Category Archives: Writing

When you know, you know

I realized this morning after reading some book reviews on Reactor Six Closed Circle Mysteries To Ensnare Your Brain – Reactor ( that I was actually writing three different books in one. I have three different parts to my first book. I should make each one its own novel. I have three different core mysteries set in a science fiction universe. I should split up the story to three books so that I can properly resolve all of the closed door mysteries. 🙂

Here are the things that I looked at:

  • I was giving plot armor to the side characters so they would have sufficient character development. Solution? Destroy the plot armor. 🙂
  • Three different story lines that I was rushing through. Perhaps sit a bit and soak in the misery that I’m putting my MC through.
  • Mary Sue? I needed side characters to know too much. Would someone really be able to create a hydroponics garden and maintain robots? Perhaps not. 🙂

Hopefully, breaking the manuscript into three sections, will be step in the right direction.

Onto the Second Draft of My WIP

It’s onto the second draft of my WIP science fiction novel. It’s just over 50K words now. My goal is to fix all the plot holes and to pull everything together. I have a better sense of my characters now, so it’s time for the next draft.

This morning I startled a rabbit on our front lawn. We had been on our road trip long enough, that the rabbit wasn’t accustomed to us. The rabbits the last few years have been eating all the dandelions in our front yard. This past year, they started moving to the back yard as well.

Now if only they would also take out the blackberries!

50K Words on my WIP

50K words on my WIP science fiction novel. I’m hoping to get it published sometime early Summer 2024.

I will be self publishing the book on Amazon Kindle.

It’s a story about what happens the promised FTL spaceship drive is never installed on the ship.